It’s finally here, the journey of 3 months has come to an end. I’m excited about being here today and would like to say Good day to everyone seated here today and those online, thank you all for celebrating this beautiful moment with me and my colleagues.
Where do I start?
First, I will give all glory to God Almighty who has made this day possible and has granted me wisdom, knowledge and sound health throughout this program. This program is one of a kind and my journey through it has been superb, though it’s just the beginning. I also want to appreciate all that supported me through this journey.
Alluvium University is the new deal. It’s a place to learn and unlearn, a place where you are given a promised future. Before I came to Alluvium, it was a desire of mine as a student to learn to code and even though I studied Computer Science at one time. I didn’t learn much (you know how our Nigerian Higher Institutions are, we don’t always get the best). So, when a friend of mine pitched this opportunity to me, I jumped at it as it was something I’d always wanted.
Getting into the system, I met an amazing set of people. I would like to appreciate Mr Tenibiaje for always being there for us, indeed he is a father figure. My sincere gratitude to my fellow graduates. they’ve all been nothing but helpful, honestly, these guys have been a source of blessing to me by taking their time to put me through the things I do not understand, your advice in different ways and a host of other things. I love you guys so much and I can’t wait to meet you all at the top.
Not only did I learn a lot of new things, but I also had fun. We went on a tour to Ikogosi Warm spring, It was my first time there and I enjoyed every bit of it.
Permit me to talk more about Alluvium University, popularly called AU. As I said earlier that AU is the new deal. AU not only trains you but enables you to enhance your skill set and stay relevant in today’s ever-changing society. AU also provides practical experience. I became familiar with Atlassian and its products (Jira and Confluence) through this program and even though I had no prior knowledge, now I can confidently interact and work on a client’s instance.
Alluvium teaches you how to relate with people, either clients or colleagues.
Still, on this journey, I’ve got to understand that Alluvium as a whole values its staff and sees each other as family. The bond I see can’t be quantified and I sincerely do not regret being a part of this. Less I forget my squad, I wouldn’t have requested a better team than the one I’m in presently. Isaac, Timothy and Micheal I appreciate you all for pushing me out there even though I like to hide.
Special appreciation to Isaac my team leader for his sacrifices. I remember when I and Micheal had a chat, It was our first migration and what we thought would be complex seemed easy all because Isaac had made us familiar with most of the things we encountered.
Without the people that collaborated to create this vision, none of this would have been possible. Mr Taiwo and Mr Wale, I didn’t forget you guys, I just wanted to save the best for last. I sincerely appreciate your commitment to teaching us and impacting value despite your busy schedules and also for this wonderful opportunity; it is truly a rare and unique opportunity that I do not take for granted.
May God bless you guys so you can keep helping others and grant you all of your heart’s desires.
Again, many thanks. I would take my leave at this point.
Thank you all for listening to me.
God bless you.